My Ma used to tell me there was always the Third Option. It comes in to play in a situation where a person feels they are up against a blank wall and have no escape from 'What will be will be' (Very Doris Day). In fact ,the Song Doris Day sang about 'Just what makes that little old ant think he'll move a rubber tree plant, anyone knows an Ant can't -move a rubber tree plant. But he has High hopes etc' I think its on Doris Day's Greatest Hits or something. Basically the song explains the Third Option too. Usually you can hollow out a third option. It may be a compromise, it may be to sleep on it. It may be to get a second opinion. It doesn't mean you can necessarily actually win, as in some very difficult situations an outright win just may not be a possibility, but the third option could mean that you do not have to lose in an awkward situation either. You may be able to create a hybrid situation that is neither winner or loser but is the best one to go with and will still save integrity and credibility.