Yes so there are 8 minutes of dark before the sunlight gets here. Thats enough time for the arc light of the gaslight to get here.
lamp lighters used to walk around lighting gaslamps at dusk. Certainly there are some good examples of gaslights still around.
The black gaslight is about thinking for ones self. It is not Good. It is not bad. it is just there. it is An alternative. It is not frightening recourse. But it is another resource.
There is nothing wrong with having alternative ideas. Jung had all sorts of weird names and ideas such as the Axiom of Maria.
I spent ages trying to learn Jung for an exam. Did Jung really know what he was talking about? I had to study the Jung Lexicon
I stil wonder if the chap was all there really...
People grovel over the Greats but I would say in some ways Stalin was great. The 'Man of Steel'. The Russian nobility spoke French until the Russian Revolution hence those funny alabster eggs. Anna Pavlova the Ballet Dancer spoke French not Russian.
However who knows the secret of the black majick box and is it all because the lady loves milk tray? There were some great chocolate telly adverts around.
What is profound knowledge? Well to one person it would be the comfort of a box of micro chips. To another it would be something written by some ancient poet or philosopher. That is how the cookie crumbles...

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