RSPCA should have put Pavlov in Court.
Published on March 23, 2007 By Black Gaslight In Misc
I've got this picture. Its in a huge tome I have called 'The Science Book' edited by Peter Tallack. In it Ivan Petrovich Pavlov who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904 had a lot of poor dogs harnessed up with leather belts restraining their bellies (get the animal rights people in but watch out for the new acts of Parliament not allowing peaceful protest). Pavlov did some really obvious and cruel experiments with dogs regarding bells and food. Come on - we know when we wake up we smell coffee if we drink coffee! Anyway it got translated to NLP. Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP what?
So we all got Anchors? do something nasty in a place get someone to remember its nasty and it'll be nasty! Its like when my Ma bought 'Morning Fresh' washing up liquid she always seemed to be in a foul mood so consequently I hate 'Morning Fresh' washing up liquid and 'Abbey Crunch' biscuits and 'Ginger Finger' biscuits and if we buy value cakes the police turn up and if my daughter uses a turquoise scrunchie there could be trouble and I never buy Schloer Apple Juice etc etc etc! More anchors than a million ships!
As for mirroring, it could br mimicry or mockery or fakery! Do you want Double Cross and Cross again? Yuk and double Yuk I say!?.

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